Rating system in Russia


One of the main aims of making up the is revealing of the most popular topics and genres. The second aim is to find out what actors are the most popular with spectators. It is necessary for successful development of cinema industry in our country.


The best actor:

-Vycheslav Galkin "The Long-range-drivers"

-Serge Bezrukov"The Brigade"

S.Bezrukov is recognized to be the best actor;

The best actress:

- Alona Hmelnitskaya "The Russian Amazons"

-Olga Drozdova "The Gangster Petersburg"

Alone Hmelnitskaya is recognized to be the best actress.

The professional skills are the main criterion in defining the best actor or actress.

The best topics.

-"The Boundary. The Taiga love story"

-"The Stop demanded"

"The Boundary. The Taiga love story" is recognized to be the best film with interesting topic.

The best special effects:

-"The Antikiller"

-"The Special team in Russian"

The main criterion in defining the best special effects is their cost and producing effects.

"The Antikiller" is recognized to be the best film with wonderful"

The best soundtrack:

-"The Brigade"- group "Triplex"

-"The District"- group "Lube"

"The Triplex" group is recognized to be the best soundtrack.

The main criterion in defining the best soundtracks is specter's sympathies and place in Hit Parade of our country.

The best peace of nature.

-"The Features of the national hunting "

-"The District"

The picturesque and reality in giving peace of Russian nature are the main point in the best film about nature.

In this category is winner "The Features of national hunti

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Раздел: Иностранный язык
Количество знаков с пробелами: 1559
Количество таблиц: 0
Количество изображений: 0

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